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The word “Atar” in Sudanese dialect is derived from the classical Arabic word “Athar” (meaning “trace”). In a common phrase, we say “Qassas Al-Atar,” referring to a specialist in tracking the traces of lost people in the desert. This carries significant implications in the field of journalism, which requires investigation and inquiry. This is the meaning behind the magazine’s name.
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Editors’ Choice
Sudan caught in the jaws of epidemics
In Sudan, health crises are a constant and inescapable reality, exacerbated by ongoing economic and political instability. For decades, the country has endured successive health emergencies, and with a fragile healthcare infrastructure, epidemics continue to wreak havoc, especially in rural and underserved areas. Diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, cholera, and respiratory infections are endemic, ravaging communities already grappling with poverty and limited access to services.
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Unemployed craftsmen and artisans in times of war: A tale of struggle
Atar Team | September 23, 2024
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